Main Beach Park Coastal Cleanup Success
Laguna Ocean Foundation
Laguna Beach Police Department
LBPD Employees’ Association
Main Beach Park Site Hosts of today’s amazing cleanup event!

Coastal Cleanup Day began 35 years ago through the California Coastal Commission and has spread around the world!
Now, the third Saturday of September is known as International Cleanup Day, but California still stands strong as the Guinness Book of World Record’s largest volunteer event in the world with 2018 involving over 66,000 volunteers removing over 830,000 lbs of trash from the coast and waterways!
The event is bigger than just beach cleanups, as now people clean up throughout watersheds and there are groups that also clean hiking routes and other places where trash should not reside. This event is huge and powerful, and that is why we wanted to get involved.
Laguna Ocean Foundation is a nonprofit doing daily tidepool education at 8 sites in Laguna Beach. We have been a nonprofit since 2003, and have over 100 dedicated individuals informing the public about our precious coastal ecosystem.We offer information about coastal organisms and local ocean conditions, as well as acting as a reminder that all of Laguna Beach is under the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Protected Area Regulations.
Laguna Ocean Foundation
Laguna Beach is recognized as an important location for natural resources including organisms such as Sea Stars, Lobsters, many species of fish, Giant Kelp (that makes up Kelp Forests) and so much more. Our organization aims to inform the public about these important resources in hope to inspire them to care and protect the coast as well.
For further information regarding Laguna Ocean Foundation, please visit their website: Laguna Ocean Foundation